Ficha Libro

Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

Título: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Autor: Catherine E. White

Colección: Early Reads Editorial: Black Cat-Cideb ISBN: 9788853006264

Resumen: Ali Baba's life changes on the day he sees forty thieves hiding their treasure in a secret cave and hears the thieves' leader say the words 'Open Sesame' to get into the cave. But before Ali and his family can enjoy the riches Ali finds there are many dangers he has to face...


Más leídos

  • Los Colores
  • Mi primer Atlas
  • El país de los números
  • Antón y las chicas
  • En el corazón del bosque
  • Cua, el amigo de Tona